JEARN Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 in Hyogo "Declaration" announcement The last day by News Paper Club of Ai Junior High School |
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It became the time of a "declaration" announcement still more. Each group is the declaration summarized hard. As written yesterday also, it did not only express in a "sentence", but the big board was colored, and the color was made. Then, all the men concerned with the production of a "declaration" sang a song called familiar "Niji". Applause was attached to the song, and the rhythm was attached and sung. At this time, climax also reached the peak.
Declaration `Make a difference in the world`
2005.03.28Through the Natural Disaster Youth Summit in 2005, we learned about each otherfs country and culture, we shared our thoughts about natural disaster preparation and found that we had many ideas about this subject. Through many discussions we shared fruitful ideas together. What we have realized by going through the process of sharing our opinions is that there would be more important things than the declaration itself.
It seems more valuable to keep thinking discussing and sharing what we can do. Regarding today, March 28th as the starting point to consider disaster, we will continue working on the study with the words, hTry to feel, try to learn, try to shareh in our mind.
Then, I received the last comments from Dr.Rajib Shaw, the assistant professor of Kyoto University Graduate school
"It is a "keyword" that I want to tell. It is learning positively. You (You) of youth summit is you. They are every you and you as a group. "