Our project
Project Harmony, Armenia
Dear participants,
Since students from Armenia are representatives from different
schools, we have decided to divide them into 4 groups, and each
of them will work on the separate topic.
The first step before starting to work on the topics has been to
choose the name for the group, to think of a motto and present
itself in the forum.
Here is the first presentation of the first group (3 more
groups will present themselves later).

"It is curious, but I feel quite warm now, although it is so
"That is because you have done a good action"!
Oscar Wilde - Happy Prince
Hello everyone. Our team consists of three students. I am their
English teacher and consider this project to be very useful and
important. We chose the theme of What are natural disasters and called
our team "Earth Inhabitants".
The name of our team is symbolic. We
think, that our world is an area for the eternal struggle
between Human Kindness and evil. How can we help our Earth to
survive? We can find the answer to this question following the
events, which usually come after the catastrophes. We
can see how Human Sympathy and Kindness try to Restore what has
been destroyed and create even more beautiful things where there
are losses. Many of our students didn't see the earthquake in
Armenia in
1988. Even those who were born then can't remember anything. But
it isn't in the far past and they have heard a lot about it from
the eyewitnesses. |
They know how the world helped our country to rise from
the ruins. Human Support and Sympathy helped a lot of Armenians to
survive. The other factor, which helped them live, was LOVE. I
know a
woman who had lost her children in the earthquake and remained without
legs. She felt she couldn't live without her children. And what do you
think she did? She had a heroic! kind of love to her dead
which helped her to give a life to a new creature, to have a new baby.
We feel us to be "Earth Inhabitants" and would like the
Earth to be a
Paradise of Love. We think if each of us gives the Earth their energy
of love and sympathy THE SUN of HARMONY will reign over us and dry
millions of tears in human eyes.
Our motto is:
The Earth can be saved
By Sympathetic hearts
Living in Love and Peace,
Searching for Harmony.
Second message
II Armenian Group presents
Hello everyone!!
We are 6 "shining stars" from Armenia. As you guess it was
the name of
our group, which contains 6 members (4 girls and 2 boys. Our motto is
- Learn about natural disasters as much as possible to be ready to
withstand them.
We are sure that taking part in this forum we will learn a lot of
things about Natural disasters, which have become a part of our life.
We are ready to discuss things about natural disasters.
"WHY THEY HAPPEN? This is the topic we have chosen. Natural
strike everywhere around the world. Although no disaster is completely
preventable, there are many ways to be prepared. The first thing,
which we can do as an individual is to become educated about them,
involve our community, start awareness of programs, and make sure our
family and home are well-protected. Supply us with the necessary items
to help others and ourselves out of catastrophic circumstances. They
have the power to shake the universe. They helped form the earth
beneath our feet. They can bring both blessings and devastation. No
human can control them. No man can fully comprehend their awesome
majesty. No year since the beginning of time has the earth failed to
witness their coming. Natural disasters can happen at any time or
place. They can bring sorrow, but they can also teach important
lessons about who we are, what is important to us, and what joys life
can hold for every human being. Natural disasters are any natural
occurrences that cause widespread distress, usually including loss of
human life and notable damage to social systems or property. They are
violent upheavals that usually impact a large number of people. They
may cause large-scale damage from which recovery is either impossible
or long-term. That's why we thing it is necessary to know about
and we have chosen "Why they happen" We are going to tell
others what
we know about them and we are ready to learn new things as much as it
is possible.
Nunik Nahapetyan
Projects Coordinator
Project Harmony, Armenia