
 To the Children in Pakistan

"Swimmy "  I'll be the eye!

Ochidani Elementary School in Hyogo, Japan

 They  have been thinking since there was an earthquake in Pakistan.
" What can we do for you, our friends ?"

This art work is made by whole pupils of Ochidani ES.
Ochidani ES is a small school, located in a rural area of Hyogo, Japan. There are 71 pupils in this school.

The story of 'Swimmy' is as follows:

There was a big fish,'Tuna' and it eats small fish.
With full of courage and wisdom, small fish get together and swim together and manage to get rid of the big fish.

Chilren love this story.
Ms Unaki thinks that a big fish is a Natural Disaster, and small fish are children with courage and wisdom.

The Artwork 'Swimmy' symbolize the wish of children that we can help each other and recover from disaster.

The story of 'Swimmy' is quite similar to what NDYS is doing.
Each of us, as individual may be a small existance.
But through collaboration, we can learn a lot and help each other.


Ochidani Elementary School


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