from Jakarta got impressed when they
realized that in just one month, they
were evacuated 5 times. Heave rains
are usually expected to be present at
least one month, but now the story was
People know that diarrhea is an
important disease which attacks them,
but also they regret for their
economic looses and potential
incomes.The majority of them work as
cleaners, builders, and traders so
they really think it is not fair.
claim the flooding was caused by some
factors like unusually high rainfall,
rapid urbanization, which has
drastically reduced the amount of
green space capable of absorbing
excess water, tidal waves and an
inadequate drainage system.
The intensity of the rain was very
extreme in early February; usually we
see this kind of rainfall over one
month, but this happened in one
day,” said Andes Sudarhono, head of
the Meteorology Agency’s natural
disaster unit for West Java and
Sumatra provinces.
cause of this exceptionally high
rainfall is “climate change; most of
our research on this is pointing to
climate change”, said Andes.
a housewife who shows how
the water reached to the
first floor in this poor
area. |

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