
NDYS in Action, Newsletter
Natural Disaster Youth Summit Monthly News     
                 http://ndys.jearn.jp/news/index.html  ndys@jearn.jp

Editor (page1)
Gento Kato, Kobe


Gather student wisdom in the world

NDYS Forum 2008 in Kobe

NDYS Youth Editors

  In 23rd of March, forum was held in Kobe.  Student from Yanagi elementary school in Nagoya, Miki municipal Jiyu-gaoka J.H.S., Takarazuka-Ryogen High School, and Kobe municipal Fukiai High School joined the forum from Japan.  Each of them presented their works on Disaster Reduction and Global Warming in the forum.  

Also, students from Taiwan, Iran, Turkey, and Trinidad andTobago presented their works on disaster reduction. They made safety map, safetybag, and so on.

After those presentations, there was special presentation about “emergency support from sea, if disaster happens”. Student from Kobe university presented us how support from sea is important.  

In the second part, we had panel discussion. Students who presented their works today

Souvenir Picture with all the participants in NDYS forum 2008
became panelists and exchange opinions each other on disaster reduction and global warming issues. The day became very productive for all of participants, and we got much more knowledge.  

NDYS exhibition 2008  

  I participated in the forum this year too.  This time, I participated in the forum, as a coordinator of panel discussion.  It was a very difficult role, and I don’t think I did a good job, but it was very precious experience for me to know about the opinions of others.  

  What I surprised most in the forum is the topic of Turkey.  Their presentation is about drought, and they presented they are facing drought now, in their city.  I feel the problem so familiar.  I think something should be done, immediately.  Of course, things cannot be changed so instantly, but if nothing to be done, then nothing will be changed.                                  (Gento Kato)  






Editor (page 2-4)
Sergio Daniel Paz;Salta-Argentina.


Natural Disasters and Disaster Reduction

The North of Argentina against the floods again (page 2)

Earthquake in Salta and Jujuy-Northern Argentina (page 2-3)

Flood in Indonesia (page 3)

Mozambique and the floods (page 4)

The Pilcomayo River caused a flood again in the North of Salta City. The affected areas are Santa Victoria and Santa Maria. There were sent 1800 Kg of dry food and also mattress and clothes. Helicopters are assisting the people in that area.

  There are at least 250 families which now are isolated. More healthy tools are being sent to them. It is a miracle that the water didn’t reach to houses.

The North region is affected by the flood

Nobody could predict a short earthquake which started at 10:19 a.m. and during 10 seconds it reached 5.3 in Richter scale. (4 points for Mercalli scale).

The People, who felt it, were shocked, they did not know what to do, especially old people. They got really scared and felt impotent.

   Some office workers which were in the insurances or in public buildings, said that it was a strong and sudden shake which did not let them even move, they went down covering their heads with both hands but luckily it happened for a short period.

Fortunately there were not human looses or even not damaged buildings.






The epicenter was located 50 Km in the East zone of San Salvador de Jujuy city. The People who were in the Library, “Jose Hernandez” Museum, Schools and other buildings started a self-evacuation  plan which was immediately executed and directed by the Hygienic & Security Specialists .All of these buildings have been teaching and playing roles in the topic.

Fortunately, The Center for the protection of the Citizen started in 2006 a plan called ”Earthquakes and schools” aimed for teaching kids how to face a disaster like this.


Flood in Indonesia


People from Jakarta got impressed when they realized that in just one month, they were evacuated 5 times. Heave rains are usually expected to be present at least one month, but now the story was different.

  People know that diarrhea is an important disease which attacks them, but also they regret for their economic looses and potential incomes.The majority of them work as cleaners, builders, and traders so they really think it is not fair.

  Authorities claim the flooding was caused by some factors like unusually high rainfall, rapid urbanization, which has drastically reduced the amount of green space capable of absorbing excess water, tidal waves and an inadequate drainage system.

 “ The intensity of the rain was very extreme in early February; usually we see this kind of rainfall over one month, but this happened in one day,” said Andes Sudarhono, head of the Meteorology Agency’s natural disaster unit for West Java and Sumatra provinces.

The cause of this exceptionally high rainfall is “climate change; most of our research on this is pointing to climate change”, said Andes.






Here a housewife who shows how the water reached to the first floor in this poor area.


Communication saves





Over 100,000 people, displaced by flooding in the Zambezi River Valley, are still in resettlement centers in Mozambique's central provinces of Tete, Sofala and Zambezia.
The idea is that they should rebuild their lives there. Since the rivers started rising in early January, the main challenge facing authorities and relief agencies has been convincing people in the fertile flood plains to leave their possessions behind, head for higher ground and stay put.
The water levels went down from the alert levels, but people are still living in camps.

The Zambezi, Africa's fourth largest river, rises in Zambia and flows along the borders of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, crossing Mozambique before spilling into the Indian Ocean.


People are still displaced by the floods.






Comments: We saw that when people are taught they can be useful to others. We can learn and teach, so everybody will do its best in order to keep each other alive.  Also we noted that climate change is ca

using problems in many areas, in different continents…..Does all of these things refer to something? Yes, they refer of us, we cause all of this, I know there are humans working on the topic, but this is a brief sample of what can come in a near future if we do not take conscious, and start being responsible with what we develop and how.       

                         By Sergio Daniel Paz;  Salta-Argentina.

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NDYS Committee Office: c/o JEARN Office / NGO support center/ Hyogo International Plaza 5-1, 1-chome, Wakinohamakaigan-dori Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 651-0073, JAPAN  
