
5. 突然の家族喪失による子どもたちの心の痛みは、基本的にはみんな共通のプロセスを経て回復に向かいます。そのメカニズムを理解しておくと、被災地の子どもの理解しにくい行動や態度に慌てずに対応できます。
a. 家族喪失は全く予期しない出来事でしたから、例外なく子どもはパニック状態になります。殆どの場合大いに泣きます。泣くことは子どもにとって不可欠です。前回もお話したように、大人は傍らに居て同情します。安心して泣くことができるパートナーを務めます。心配なのは、泣かない子です。後になって「親が死んだのに泣かなかった自分は冷酷な人間だ」と自分を責めることになりかねません。阪神の震災の場合にもそうです。震災遺児の中で、今、青年期に入った彼や彼女がそのように苦しんでいる話を時々耳にします。だからと言って、泣かない子に「泣きなさい」というのも不自然なことですから、大人は、遺児は必ず泣かずにはいられない時が来るということを知っておき、その兆候が出たら大人の智慧と愛情で、今がその時なのだ・自然な姿なのだと受け入れてあげることしかできません。
b. 突然の家族喪失の直面して、その家族が大切であればあるほど、その死を誰か人のせいにしたくなります。「救出する人の判断が間違っていた」「医療の対応が遅すぎた」、あるいは、「私の信じていた宗教の教えは矛盾している」等など、人を恨みたくなります。前後して、他人が悪いのではない、自分の責任で家族が犠牲になったと考えます。「自分があの時○○しておけばこんなことにはならなかった」「家族は自分の犠牲になって死んでしまった」等など。殺人事件などと違って、天災ですから実は人のせいでも、自分のせいでもないのですが、責任を追及したいために、人や自分を責めたくなります。大人の目から見ると、そして第三者から見るとどちらも違うのですが、家族を失った自分の不幸がやりきれない幼い当事者は、一度は必ずこのプロセスを通ります。その時、子どもに接する大人は、簡単に「それは違う、これは天災だから、誰のせいでもない」と、合理的な理屈で諭さない方が賢明のようです。勿論、「あなたのせいだ」「誰々のせいだ」ということは言いませんが、「なるほど、あなたにはそのようにかんじられるのですね。」とその心情には理解と共感を示すのがいいでしょう。
c. やがて、「誰も悪くはない」ということに気づきますが、すぐに、「なぜ、私のところにこのような不幸がきたのか」という深い疑問をもって自問自答します。助かっている人がたくさんいるのに、そしてその人たちが幸せに暮らしているのに、その人たちを見るにつけ、「なぜ自分が」と責める相手も無いまま自問自答を繰り返します。この回答は大変苦しいものです。いい加減な答えは却って子どもの不信を招きます。そして、宗教やお国の文化によってもかなり違うようです。明快に答えられないのは大人がしっかりしていないからとも言い切れません。軽薄な答えを発するよりも「答えられない、分からない」と、誠実に・そして対等に答える方がいいようです。
d. さらにいくつかのステップを潜り抜けますが、子供に快復の兆しが見えるのは、このような子供の内面深く秘められた苦しみが、自分の口から自分の言葉で発せられる(吐露される)時です。ここまでが大変なのです。ここまで子供に寄り添い、子供の不安を受け入れ、共有する人だけが、彼や彼女の心情を耳にします。たどたどしかったり、激しい感情をともなったり、場合によっては他人には決して見られたり聞かれたりしたくない光景になります。それは一ヵ月後なのか1年後なのか、10年後なのか、大人にも分からないし、本人にも分かっていません。焦らせないことが、子供を受け入れて快復の手伝いができる人に求められる大切な要件です。
Dear Teachers in Iran,

As I was informed that my brief letter drew your attention and that it was useful for you, I would like to write to you a little more. I am certainly sure that a number of experts from all over the world will come to your place soon and support you much more effective and powerful way than us. For instance, I heard that an organization for supporting orphans of Kobe earthquake, from which I received assistance, started the preparation for your support. You will soon work in cooperation with their systematic and expert activities, but until they arrive, I hope to share the knowledge, skills and my experience to deal with the children who are in fear and despair, and shiver from loneliness and long endless night in cold winter.
Well, let me start from the 5th point. I would say 5th, since I am writing this letter as a continuation to the letter I wrote on Jan. 1st.
5. The children who lost their family recover from their pains, basically through the same process. If you understand this mechanism, you can respond to actions which are often incomprehensive and behaviors of the children victims smoothly .
a. Since the children lost their family unexpectedly, the children are thrown into panic without exception. In most cases, they cry a lot. It is essential to weep for them. Then, as I told you last time, adults are to be beside them, sympathize with them. and will be the children's companion for crying free from anxiety.
Those who do not cry should severely be concerned for. Otherwise later on they might blame themselves, in the future, for having been heartless at their parents' death. It was the case with the Hanshin earthquake and I heard some children (now adolescents) still suffer from not having wept at that time. Adults cannot tell those children to cry, so all they can do is to be aware that definitely the time will come for those children who lost their parents, necessarily cry. When the time comes, with love and wisdom, please accept them and admit that it is the time and is just natural to cry for the children.
b. Facing the loss of family, the more precious the family is, the more the children place blame others for the death, saying "the rescue crew misjudged", "medical treatment was too late" or "my religion is contradictory". They blame others. At the same time, children think it is not others but themselves to be blamed and their family perished because they were wrong. "If I had done that, they could have averted.", "I live at the cost of my family's life." The earthquake is a natural disaster and not a murder, and neither others, nor themselves to be blamed, but children blame them and themselves in order to pursue the responsibility. This is wrong from adults' view, but the young victims necessarily go through this process. At that point, it is wise and advisable not to speak to them rationally or logically (e.g. "No. This is a natural disaster and it's no one's fault." ). Of course it does not mean that the adults should agree with the children, saying like "Yes, it was your fault" or "Yes, they were wrong". Instead, just show the understanding and sympathy for them, saying, "I understand how you feel." or "Oh, I see. You feel that way."
c. In time, the children become aware that "no one is to be blamed", but then, they ask to themselves a profound question, "Why such a sad thing happened to me?" . As the children see that many people were saved and live happily, they continuously ask themselves "why me?" without blaming anyone. It is really hard to answer this question. A rash and careless answer would invite the mistrust of the children. It would be better to keep it on mind that religion and culture affect on this matter, too. Therefore, it is not always the adults' fault if adults cannot answer the question clearly. It would be better to avoid giving facile answers but rather to respond honestly and behave on an equality with children, saying "I cannot answer. I cannot understand either"
d. Several steps follow and the children begin to recover when they pour out with their own words about the agony which has been kept deep inside of themselves. However, the process up to here is very tough, and only those who have been companions of the children during this long process by being close to them, sharing their anxieties, accepting them, are allowed to hear to the children' words. Their words may be faltered or given with emotional outburst. Sometimes it will be a scene they do not want to be seen nor listened to. We cannot tell at what time they will get ready to express themselves. It can be in one month, in one year or in ten years. Nobody knows, nor the adult, nor the children themselves. So, patience is a most important and requisite quality for the adults in order to accept and help the children to recover.
Even though there is difference among individuals, the point is that every child go through these steps. Some steps are passed in a short time but not a step is passed by. In time being, a number of experts from all over the world will arrive and start support activities. They will show you more detailed and divided steps and put them into practice. What they will bring you is the achievements of the recent studies and practices. The difference between the case of Bam and that of Hanshin (9 years ago) is that now ICT technology is far more developed. It is true that the large scale support activities require time to begin after the crisis, but at least, the know-how through experience and accumulated expertise will be sent to those in need in no time. I sincerely hope that my experience will be of some use at your country before the arrival of the experts.

Yours sincerely
Hiroshige Kihara


   since Jan.1, 2004

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