
6. 意外と見落とされがちなこととして、被災地を離れて暮らすことになる遺児とその受け入れ家族へのケアがあります。被災地には数々の救援が集中的に行われ、復興の様子が報道されて、人々の関心と好意が寄せられます。阪神の場合もそうでした。しかし、その一方で、遺児の多くが親戚などの身寄りを頼って被災地を離れます。私の家族がそうです。被災地を離れた子どもへの心配りを是非お願いしたいのです。 阪神の場合、電車で30分しか離れていない距離なのに、大都市大阪は、激震地の悲惨さが嘘のように、賑やかで派手やかな別世界でした。被災家族にはこのことが信じられず、一種のショックを覚えます。子供であれば尚更です。やがて、遠く離れた親戚に身を預け、そこの学校に通うことになります。この、新しい学校への適応が大変です。転入を受け入れる学校は被災地のことをテレビでしか知りませんから、遺児の受け入れに少なからず戸惑います。 人にもよりますが、多くの遺児は自分が震災遺児であることを友だちに知られたくないようです。それは、大きな恐怖体験と悲しみについて、好奇の目で見られたり、軽い同情の声をかけられることを避けたいからです。周囲の大人たちの判断と本人の決断で転居・転校が決まるまでの間、実に多くの同情と励ましを受けています。阪神の場合には、全国の学校から手紙が届きました。印刷されて小冊子になったものもありました。どれも善意に満ち満ちたものであったのですが、これを受け取る遺児の方では、「“頑張って、頑張って”のワンパターンで、表面的……」というように、素直になれない子もいるようです。遺児を受け入れる学校・学級では、遺児の希望を優先して対応する配慮が必要でしょう。 遺児を受け入れる家庭も大変なのです。学校の先生よりもむしろ里親の方にこそカウンセリング・マインドが求められるのですが、実際にはそれは無理なことでしょう。当面、学校の先生を通して、里親にケアの基本を教えてあげる必要があるでしょう。子どもたちの心象は、学校よりも家庭の方で多く現れます。その時の対応の基本は、家庭が家族の一員として迎えることをハッキリと宣言しておくこと、であろうと思われます。 そうは言うものの、家族の一員とすることがそう簡単なことではないようです。家庭には家庭の「文化」がありますから、文化がクロスする時には異文化衝突が生じます。本人はもちろん受け入れ家庭も、子供の素直でない言葉や不可解な行動を、異文化衝突によるものなのか、震災のPTSDによるものなのか区別がつかず、お互いに精神的に疲れることがあります。里親が知っておくべきことは、遺児は震災の恐怖と家族喪失によるストレスの他に、新しい家庭の異文化適応のストレス、新しい学校への適応のストレス、そして本来の思春期のアイデンティティー確立のストレス、等々幾重にもストレスが重なっていることを理解してあげることです。何もかもを地震のストレスと決め付けないことです。 学校の先生方、子どものケアと同時に、家族のサポートにも心を配ってあげてください。
さて、私は小学校の校長です。私の学校では国際教育を進めています。インターネット、電子メール、テレビ会議などが稼動しています。私の学校が、そして800名の子どもが、皆さんにお役に立つことはありませんか? 30名のスタッフも、お役に立ちたいと願っています。メールでご連絡ください。<ono-minami-p@bb.csf.ne.jp>
Dear Teachers in Iran,

This letter succeeds to the two letters I sent you previously, and will be the last advice from my past experience at Great Hanshin Earthquake, since it is about time experts start supporting you in a great way.
6. People surprisingly tends to miss out the care for the orphan who leaves the devastated area and for the family accepting the child.
The disaster ares is intensively supported in many ways, is reported its state of reconstruction by the mass media and is on the wide range of people's concern and favor. It was same in case of Hanshin as well. At the same time, a number of children who lost their parents leave that place for their relatives' places, like my family. I would like to ask you for helping those children cope, since, due to the relocation, they will face quite different things to deal with and be in need of special care.
In case of Hanshin, just a half hour distance by train made a huge difference. For instance, metropolis Osaka city hardly damaged from the earthquake and people there kept their lives in luxury and lively, where the misery of the devastated area was felt just like a story or an occurrence of another world. This fact was unbelievable for the victim of the disaster and came as a kind of shock. Children were shocked more.
If the orphan is adapted into their relative's family who lives far from the devastated area, the child goes to school there. Adaptation to this new school is hard. The school staffs only know about the earthquake just through television and newspaper and are in a maze when they are to accept and deal with the child.
It depends on the children, but many orphans seems to feel uneasy to be known that they lost their family at the earthquake disaster. That is because they want to avoid people's curiosity and pity. They receive great deal of sympathy and encouragement by the time they relocated to different places by caring adults and their own decision, and sometime children feel unconfortable with the encouragement. In case of Hanshin, many letters came from a number of schools all over the country to the victim children, some of which was printed and bound as booklets. Though all letters were full of good will, some of the children cannot become gentle and they say "these are all same and superficial saying just "Cheer up!"". The priority should be given to the orphan's preference and how (s)he feels when school staffs or classmates deal with the orphan.
The family accepting an orphan spends difficult time, too. Though it is rather foster parents than teachers who must understand in depth how to take care of a child after the traumatic event, it is actually impossible. For the time being, teachers must tell foster parents the basis of the care. Symptoms of the traumatic disaster are more observed at home than at school. Probably the basis of the correspondence at that time for the foster parents is to declare clearly to the child that (s)he is accepted as a family member not a guest to their family. It is not so easy, since every family has their own "culture" and they may face cultural gaps and collision. Neither child nor family knows that the child's inappropriate reaction is due to cultural difference or PTSD of the earthquake disaster, and all those struggles bring both child and foster parents mental fatigue. Foster parents must understand that the child is not simply suffering from the stress from the fear of the earthquake and the family loss, but also so many other stresses such as the stress of cultural adaptation to the new family and new school, identity establishment of adolescence, and so on. Please also help those foster parents deal with the traumatized children.
Finally, please feel free to ask me and our school for any contributions. Our school promotes international education , utilizing internet, e-mail, teleconference, etc. Please contact me by sending e-mail directly whenever you are in need. All of members of our school, which are 800 children and 30 staffs, hope we can be of any help for you.

Best regards,

Mr. Hiroshige Kihara
PrincipalOno Minami Primary School,
Fukuoka, Japan
ono-minami-p@bb.csf.ne.jp (directly sent to principal)


   since Jan.1, 2004

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