
NDYS in Action, Newsletter
Natural Disaster Youth Summit Monthly News     
           http://ndys.jearn.jp/news/index.html   ndys@jearn.jp


HAT Kobe +Disaster Reduction EXPO

Emergency bag and wisdom in the world

       NDYS Youth Editors

Now, Disaster Reduction EXPO is being held in Kobe.  It was started in 9th of January 2008, and will be finished in 20th. This EXPO gathers many equipments and ideas to prevent disaster from all around the world.  For example, games to gain knowledge about natural disasters, or introduction of the activities to prevent natural disasters.  13 years has past from Hanshin-Awaji Great Earth Quake.  The latest knowledge about disaster reduction is gathering in Kobe.

   Actually, NDYS is participated in this EXPO.  The activities of students in all over the world to prevent disasters are being introduced!  These activities are displayed in the room to introduce preparation for natural disasters.  NDYS projects are now in new phase, we are moving forward to the conference in Trinidad and Tobago.

   I, one of the Japanese High School students, visited the EXPO.   There is so much latest knowledge about the natural disaster that I couldn’t see all of it.  And I realized that activities of NDYS are very important. That’s because, NDYS is the project to connect youth in all over the world, and that youth is the one who creates the new society.  I felt it is a great responsibility for us, as youth, to exchange knowledge about natural disasters.  It is not a technology, but common sense of each country which might help us when we are facing disasters.  I can say, it was a great thing to start NDYS, and then many students in the world started to be interested in natural disasters.

   Of course, there are many points for NDYS to develop.  I think this “News Letter” is one of the great new steps of NDYS.  NDYS itself is, so young like us, the youth, so there are many things we can do next.

   I will be a university student in Japan, this April.  I want to keep connection with NDYS for a long time.  NDYS helped me to think about the world a lot, and this is my turn to help NDYS to the next phase.          

                                               (Editor: Gento Kato, Kobe Japan)






Natural Disasters and Disaster Reduction

Argentina nowadays
" Rain and fear "


Kids and their mothers are in the safety buildings having meal and being assisted for the health team. 


the Main Council, Miguel Isa is helpinHere g police rescuing two little sisters.

Photos took from ‘El Tribuno’ newspapper.

On January 14th, an electrical storm caused lots of damages in poor areas where almost 1000 people are living in there. People got scared and started running to the neighbors’ houses. The police and the Center for the Citizen Protection rescued them and took them to the safety buildings near the affected area.

Several electrical cables were cut by the wind and it increased the chaos. Luckily there were no injured people but some of the houses were damaged seriously. Their buildings are been repaired and were given beds, clothes and hygienic tools.

The Center for the Citizen Protection said that from 16:50 to 17:30 were registered 45 millimeters of water. Temperature went from 32.3ºC to 16ºC in only 25 hours, that is more the half part of the first temperature.

Some of the people in there had their own house but 500 of them took the lands illegally. The Government is trying to find the solution to that problem. There will be built deeper container spaces in order to stop this catastrophe.



Photos took from ‘El Tribuno’ newspapper

Editor: Daniel Paz

Salta, Argentina




Coming event

NDYS2008 in Trinidad and Tobago

Let’s gather wisdom for disaster mitigation from the world in the age of Global Warming


Natural Disasters" homepage created by Master. Abe Fergusson


the Main Council, Miguel Isa is helpinHere g police rescuing two little sisters.

Photos took from ‘El Tribuno’ newspapper.

Hurricane "Katrina" which occurred in August, 2005 was the disaster that was the most terrible that inhabitants ever looked. The global warming which brought such a large-scale disaster causes a drought for the long term, a terrible heavy rain, a frequent heat wave, an intense storm. Master. Abe Fergusson who experienced the natural disaster in Trinidad and Tobago opened the "Natural Disasters" homepage.

As a youth, I want to give the position to vigor sake with Mother Nature. I participate in NDYS project to hold hope to the future to reduce the damage of the natural disaster with the global prospects by connecting the global community and the local community.

We are considerate of each other and I cooperate and want to check the damage for minimum decrease.

Therefore, we have to learn it together, and iEARN Trinidad and Tobago shares information and develops a homepage as the tool which is educational with all people whom I can sympathize with at the importance of taking communications.

I took the interview about "climate change and the disaster" than UNICEF, and, in December, 2007, the video message was introduced to "the Framework Convention on Climate Change No. 13 contracting party meeting" (COP13 Bali meeting) of the United Nations in a meeting. I had a chance to call for participation to the international conference "Natural Disaster Youth Summit2008 in Trinidad and Tobago" in April, 2008."

               (Editor: NDYS office, Kobe )


Report of Meeting in Kobe

 I'm so happy to make strong connection of NDYS by this newsletter. I hope we will get more good members.
  Today, I report the meeting held in Kobe, Japan on 13th, January.
 We talk about the NDYS exhibition10 -30 March, 2008 and video conferencing which is going to be held in 23, March, 2008. We will introduce each school’s work there. It was a great time. I think it is important to have an occasion like this.

                           (Editor: Yumi Ashida, Osaka Japan)
