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Title Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2007 in Aichi

"Natural Disasters" and "Environment"

What we can do as YOUTH to create the disaster reduced society

Date May 3rd (Thurs) - 5th (Sat) , 2007
Place  Aichi prefecture Mihama boy natural house


Host   The Committee of NDYS 2007 in Aichi  

Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute / UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) / International Maritime Education & Research Center, Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University /Kobe UniversityResearch Center for Urban Safety and Security / JICA( International Cooperation  Agency- Chubu / Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies / iEARN (International Education and Resource Network )

Organization of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Language Grid Project

Third gathering of NDYS 2007 was held in Aichi, Japan,  from 3rd to 5th of may 2007. There were 350 students and teachers get together from 9 countries and regions. They are Indonesia, Iran,  Nepal, Russia,  Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, USA and Japan.


*Supported by the Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition('70)


Program (Draft)

April 29th (Sun) - May 2nd (Wend) 


Arrival in Japan

NDYS allied schools , OB of NDYS, Student volunteer staff entrance

After reception, guests stay in Aichi prefecture Mihama boy natural house.

Preparatory committee 

Guests are given a ride to the visiting school.

Mihama boy natural house



First day    May 3rd (Thurs)  

09:00 - 10: 00

10:00 - 12: 00


Free time


Mihama boy natural house

Global Executive Committee (verification of program and advance)  

12:00 - 13: 00  

Lunch time

Dining room

13:00 - 13: 20



Opening performance

The Nagoya women's college junior high school and high school 


13:25 - 14: 00  

Opening Ceremony

1) Opening remarks

2) Opening comment      NDYS Youth 

3) Guest greeting

4) The message announcement 

Video Massege Mr. Salvano Briceno

          Director, UN/ISDR

5) Introduction of participation school


 Poster Exhibit 1
“Global Disaster Safety Map 2007E/span>  






Schools will share their presentation  and discussion through VC.






Presentation 1

NDYS allied schools





Presentation  2

1. NDYS allied schools (VC)

2. NDYS Youth Network (OB&OG)

Risk management for dreams come true

Tsunami experiences from Banda Aceh, Indonesia


16:30-17:30   Make a Disaster Safety Map ! -1-

Preparation : Participants are divided into each group.

17:30 - 18: 00   Dinner   time  
18:00 - 19: 00  

Welcome Camp Fire



21: 00 < Observation of a star>

Going to bed  




 Second day    May 4th (Fri) 

06:30 - 07: 30  

Free time

Mihama boy natural house  
07:30 - 09: 00

Breakfast Time

Dining room

Make a Disaster Safety Map! -2-

Making Disaster Safety Map 



Poster Exhibit Ⅲ
“Global Disaster Safety Map 2007E/span>  


Make a Disaster Safety Map! -3-





Relationship between Natural Disasters and Environmental Problems



Lunch time


JEARN Conference 2007in Aichi

Let's try iEARN project 
(Teddy bear, Negai, Art mile and Origami project and so on) with global members.



Welcome party

< We will wear folk costume.>




Going to bed  



Third day      May 5th (Sat) 

06:30 - 07: 30

Free time  

Mihama boy natural house  

07:30 - 09: 00

Breakfast Time

Dining room
09:00 - 12:00

Scientific experiment classroom




12:00 - 13:00 Lunch time Dining room

13:00 -16:00




"NDYS2007 Declaration"

Closing Ceremony

1)  "NDYS 2007 in aichi" Video

2)  Coordinator speech of each country

3)  Ambassador NDYS certificate investiture

4)  General comment

5)  Closing remarks

Photography of all participants and memory




Poster Exhibit Ⅲ
E/span>Global Disaster Safety Map 2007E/span>   

16:00 - 17: 00 Farewell Party


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