
Message to the participants at 10th Earthquake Memorial
From Kazuko Okamoto Chairperson for NDYS , JEARN

 It is the coldest season of the year. Here, Kobe and Awaji, featuring mild climate, the weather has been extremely cold these days.

10 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake occured. The United Nations Disaster Prevention Conference is held here in Kobe in efforts to mitigate damages caused by natural disasters and establish the 21st century’s new guideline for disaster prevention.. We take advantage of this opportunities to hold public forum called “Hopes for revival prevail in earth Painting Exhibition and TV Conference

We recognize the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake as our starting point. We achieve our goal by sharing the teaching learned in many natural disasters in the world,  utilizing the Internet, working together with students the world over without regard of countries, languages and religions, and encouraging students to think about the importance of human life. In this regard, this is the new form of project which aims to discuss the world’s future picture of disaster prevention. 

 This “Natural Disaster Youth Summit” was kicked off in September, 2004. 300 students from 15 countries ,for example the U.S.A., Iran, Indonesia, Senegal and Nepal and 750 students from Japan participate the project. All of them are positively working on their each study in unique ways, preparing their presentation at “the Disaster Prevention Youth Summit 2005 in Hyogo” held in March, 2005.. 

We hold the conference “Hopes for revival prevail in earth Painting Exhibition and TV Conference”as interim report of our March’s project to inform you of some of students’ studies.

This time we exhibit the paintings drawn by earthquake-striken children when we provided them with some tools to heal their emotional trauma caused by the earthquake occurred in Bam,Iran 2003 .We also display the messages written by children from all over the world to encourage the sufferers of the Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata. We connect here, Awaji Yume Butai and the three overseas bases, Taiwan, Iran, and Armenia through TV conference and exchange and discuss each district’s current situation and method of restoration. We send the practice to the world over. The progress of this conference will be released live to the world from Awaji Yume Butai through the Internet. Some schools watch the live conference in school gym or classroom, and discuss that. 

We hope this  “Hopes for revival prevail in earth Painting Exhibition and TV Conference”will give many people the chances to show the way to practice future disaster prevention study. In this project, we also wish that children from all over the world and ones in Hyogo,Japan as leading group, think together about what we should do and live as the member of the world community and realize how important human life is or how wonderful to help each other  through utilizing the ITC (information communication technology) 

 In conclusion, I want to encourage the people who suffered the Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata and the Indian Ocean Earthquake, especially school students hoping for revival.

January 15, 2005
  KOBE Japan




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