
  10th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 

Natural Disater Youth Summit 2005


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Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 in Hyogo
 Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 in Hyogo  was a big success!   

   Thank you for your cooperation.                       Report

  This year is the tenth anniversary of Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake. And also we have had many natural disasters, such as tsunami, flood, earthquake and so on.
One of the aims of this conference is conclusion of the project that we started from last September.
 Students will have presentations that they prepared in their schools. We want students to know more about natural disasters, think  how to reduce damages of natural disasters.
 Moreover we wants students how to help people who suffer from them. 
30 students from 11 countries will come to the conference. It is good opportunity to live together.


Title :  Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 in Hyogo


Theme Think about the importance of human life  
Dates  March 25 ( Fri ) March 28 ( Mon ), 2005  


Marchi 26  UNISEF PARK PROJECT 2005 UNICEF Meeting 
Dinner & Cultural Exchange

March 27  
Report on Sumatra 
NDYS Party

March 28 Adooption of the Earthquake Youth Summit in Hyogo Declaration  

Place Akashi Kaikyo National Government Park, KOBE Area

URL is here

Disaster Prevention and Human Renovation Instituion, KOBE

URL is here


URL is here 

・Awaji Yume Butai 
International Conference Center
main hall , Awaji island

URL is here


 Village of Happiness Kobe

Akashi Kaikyo National Government Park, 
Kobe Area

Awaji Yume Butai 
International Conference Center


E-mail 20050117@jearn.jp
Size 470 people ( 70 adults, 400 students ) from Japan.



      As explained in Section 2, it is hoped that Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 Project can be concluded by gathering together representatives of the participating youth who would report the results of team discussions and then all together compile and adopt the Natural Disaster Youth Summit Declaration.



Committee of the NDYS 2005

Hyogo Prefecture / Kobe City / Hyogo International Association / The Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Regional Development Office / UNICEF Park Project Facilitator Group [UPP] / Japan International Cooperation Agency [JICA] Hyogo / Parks and Recreation Foundation / Japan Education and Resource Network [JEARN] / International Education and Resource Network [iEARN] 

 Special Cooperation

Cabinet Office / The Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MOFA] / The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [MEXT] / Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education / Kobe City Board of Education / Akashi City Board of Education / Hyogo e-School Consocium / The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Research Institute / Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress (HITS)/ The Association of Private High Schools in Hyogo / The Association of Foreign Schools in Hyogo Prefecture / Japan Association for Promotional Technology [JAPET] / Center for Educational Computing [CEC] etc…     

Friendship Partner

Foundation, Association, School: Communica Institute / Kobe Suma Lions Club /The Center of International Education

Friendship Par Company  Acty International ECC Foreign Language Institute / EZAKI GLICO Co. 
/ GC Corpration Hyoei/ InfoMeMe KATO SANGYO Co.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
/ Kobe Digital Labo Inc / KYO-GEI/ Kokusai Service Agency 
KUMON Institute of Education Co.
KYO.GEI/ Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (Panasonic) 
NTT Communications
/ NTT WEST/ Oji paper Co. Osaka GAS Co. Planners International 
Ricoh Company
/ Sakura International Inc/ SANYO Electric Co 
SHARP Corpration
Silex Technology SUMITOMO Rubber Industries
/ Suzuki Educational Software Co. Suzuki Musical Inst.MFG. Co.
Takeda Chemical Industries
/TAKENAKA Corporation







March 24 (Thurs)

Arrival in Japan


March 25 (Fri)   



Opening event


  ~  Healing and Learning from Nature (Plan)  ~

 Let’s build a Park with friends from all over the world TOGETHER!  

Make a Playground 1


National Akashi Strait Park ,Kobe Area

March 26(Sat



Make a Playground 2

Play @ the Playground

UNICEF Meeting

Dinner & Cultural Exchange

National Akashi Strait Park , Kobe Area  


COOP Kobe Culture Center, Kobe

March 27 (Sun)      

Remember"1.17" Learn from the Great Earthquake -- for a Splendid Future

Report on Sumatra
JICA Hyogo stuff)


What we can do for the people who live in the TSUNAMI affected areas?

NDYS Party

Disaster Prevention and Human Renovation Instituion,

 JICA Hyogo, Kobe


Village of Happiness Kobe

March 28 (Mon)

Opening Ceremony

 Presentation of the Declaration

 Haru ichiban no oka in Akashi National Park Awaji Area  


Yumebutai International Conference , Awaji iland

March 29 (Tue)

A day with the host families


March 30 (Wed)

A day with the host families


March 31 (Thurs)

Return to home countries



 Program Time of the Declaration  





Opening ceremony

Drama  'Let's participate in the NDYS 2005 in Hyogo'


 Play the Japanese Drum with students and teachers together

13:30 Opening remarks of the NDYS 2005 in Hyogo

Student claim the opening of the main conference  By Fukiai SHS
 Iranian student

13:31 Greetings from guests
13:36 Introducing greeting messages from iEARN country coordinators


PROG2--       Presentation of NDYS Project

G                       General Explanation (8 min.)


PROG2          Poster Session

 Introduction of Poster Session

b                        One minute introduction of each school

Poster Session  ( at Corridor of Yume butai)

Everybody moves to the corridor and make a presentation
for 5 to 8 minutes and repeat it by the request of audience.

When students want to visit other booths, put the 'REST' card
on your poster booth and make clear when you will start next presentation.

No. of Poster presentation booth
 1. Kashinodai ES  2. Kumon, 3. Yanagi ES. 4. Seattle. 5. Slovakia
 6. Russia. 7. Iran. 8. Iran. 9. Armenia.10. Kawanishi SHS Takarazuka Ryogen.11. Taiwan.12. Argentina.13. Argentina.14. Nonoike JHS
15. Egypt.16. Senegal.17. UPP.18. Takatsuki JSH.19. Minato JHS
20. Kanebuchi.21. Fukiai SHS.22. Maiko SHS.23. Hieta EL
24. Napel.25. St. Micheal International SHS.26. Indonesia
27. Akashi Nishi SHS.28. Konan Women's SHS

At Main Hall ( Parallel to the Poster session)

Those who make a presentation by the computer on the stage goes to the main hall when they are invited to the stage.5 to 8 minutes presentation on the stage.

(Everyone goes back to Main Hall)


Presentation of UNICEF Park Project

Skit "Warm Place"  by 'Common Beat'

Introducing the activities of 25~26


Presentation of 'NDYS Little Ambassadors' program

'Sakura Bear, Formosa, Omid, Glasha and other Mascots  travels around the world'.  All participated school students and teachers come up to the stage and tell what those little ambassadors have done and tell your impressions briefly.

 *Sakura Bear
 (Kawanishi SHS  Takarazuka Ryogen, Keimei SHS, Yanagi ES,
 Takatsuki Daiichi JHS, Taiwan, Russia, Iran)
 Future plan for Sakura  (Argentina, and nex school will be on the stage)

*Omid from Iran , Formosa from Taiwan
( Iran, Taiwan,  Kawanishi SHS  Takarazuka Ryogen, Kobe JEARN office,
  Yanagi ES, Kashinodai ES, Kumon, Takatsuki Daiichi JHS, Mie Morita)

*Glasha from Russia and Other Bears
 (Russia, Taiwan, Armenia, Argentina)


Heart Care Project 

   Video conference with Yanagi Elementary School in Nagoya.
   Project participant school students and teachers will be on the stage.
   (Slovakia, Armenia, Russia, Iran, Taiwan, America, Senegal)

Break (5 Min.)


Some Selected Schools Presentation

  1. Kashinodai ES

  2. Indonesian SHS

  3. Fukiai SHS


Declaration of NDYS


Comments on the project   Dr. Rajib Shaw


Greetings from Ms. Kazuko Okamoto 


Closing Ceremony

Sing song 'Sakura Sakura' together.


Closing remarks

By St. Michael's International School   Senegal student



contact    20050117@jearn.jp  

Committee of the NDYS 2005  


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