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Natural Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS)   KOBE Forum 2011

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction of Our Town

-- Report on the 6th Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Turkey --



                                                                                                      pdf file 255KB

The Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS) has continued the 鮮DYS-KOBE, High School Project・from last year. This project has been implemented by high school students in Kobe and the nearby areas.

The students make research on disaster risk reduction and collaborate with other high school students by sharing what they have studied.

The theme of the project this year is 舛limate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction of Our Town・/span>  Delegates of the project last year participated in and made presentations at the 6th Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Turkey in August 2010. Through the conference, they learned from the presentations of other schools from around the world.

The reports of the NDYS in Turkey and the Disaster Safety Map Exhibition from 13 countries and regions will be introduced.

In addition, this year痴 new student members will present their research findings on their local area痴 disaster preparedness.


Date and Time(Saturday) January29, 2011 13:30~16:30

VenueDisaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institute West 1F Guidance room1-5-2, Wakinohama Kaigandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan


Size : 100 people (30 adults, 70 students)


     The 6th Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Turkey was held with 300 participants from 17 countries and regions. 




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