The Natural Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS) project was launched in 2005 to
commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake,
It is a global project that has continued for 20 years since its launch
in 2005 as a commemorative project for the 10th anniversary of the Great
Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, with the children of Hyogo playing a central
role in passing on the lessons of the disaster to the world and to the
Since its establishment, the project has been working to mitigate the damage
caused by natural disasters around the world through digital exchange and
collaboration among youth around the world, and to form a global disaster
education network as a project to protect the lives of people around the
world from future disasters. As part of our activities, we continue to
hold online or face-to-face conferences every year and disseminate the
results of these conferences widely from Kobe, an area affected by the
Great East Japan Earthquake, to the rest of the world.
The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the 30 years that have passed since then,
the global digital revolution, global warming and natural disasters, and
an increasingly unstable international situation, the international order
is on the verge of crisis and the world is about to change drastically.
The NDYS2024 project has been working on the theme of climate change and
"disaster prevention, mitigation, and recovery" with an emphasis
on fostering a global culture of disaster prevention that can reduce disaster
risk and build resilience. As a summary of the project, The theme of the
World Children's Conference on Disaster Reduction 2024 in KOBE is "SDGs
and Education for Disaster Reduction: Learning to Create Sustainable and
Disaster-Resilient Communities," and we will share with you our efforts
to contribute to the realization of the UN Sendai Framework for Disaster
Reduction and SDGs while strengthening friendship among youth around the
world as global citizens.
Theme : SDGs & Disaster Reduction Education |
~Learning to foster the creation of a sustainable society that is resilient
to disasters~
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024, 15:00-17:00 JST
Format: Online
Language: English
Organizer: NDYS Executive Committee
Admission: Free (advance registration required)
Subject: NDYS Global Network
Capacity: 100 participants
Opening: MC: Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School
・Greetings from the Organizer
・Introduction of participants from participating countries
◇Special Program: Presentation and Discussion
Our Proposals: 30 years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
by Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School |
The experience and lessons learned from "The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, and Recovery" will be conveyed to the world and connected to the future!
Discussion topic:
In your country, what specific actions or learning would young peopletake to build a resilient community? |
Photography |
◇Guest Speech |
”Build Back Better”
in Aceh after 20 years of Tsunami disaster |

Report on the Indian Ocean Tsunami(2004.12) as a high school student from
Banda Aceh, Indonesia at the NDYS 2005 in Hyogo, Japan
Wizar Putri Mellaratna (University of Malikussaleh, NDYS Facilitator, iEARN
◇From Around the World, Student Presentations
Minimizing Damage through Disaster Prevention and Mitigation:
International Cooperation for Disasters
Azerbaijan (lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva, Baku) |
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Measures against Landslides |
Georgia ( iEARN Georgia, Tbilisi) |
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Natural Disaster Preparedness |
India (St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, New Delhi) |
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Disaster Prevention Education Program in Indonesia |
Indonesia (SMP Islam Al Azhar 44 - Bekasi & SMP Islam Al Azhar 6 - Bekasi, | | |