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  Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2025 in KOBE 


Date Saturday, March 22, 2025, 14:00-16:30 JST
Format Online & On-site
Venue Onsite participation
           Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School
Event Language English, Japanese
Admission Free (advance registration required)
Capacity 160 participants

Host NDYS Executive Committee
co-Host iEARN (International Education & Resource Network)

Special Cooperation Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan MEXT]

Hyogo International Association [HIA]

Event Description

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 2025, we will host the Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Kobe City on March 22, 2025.
Natural Disaster Youth Summit: NDYS was launched in 2005 in the wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 10 years ago. "NDYS2005 in Hyogo” was held in 15 countries and regions around the world under the motto ”Let's pass on the lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the future and think about the importance of life! 1,000 children from 15 countries/regions around the world compiled a declaration under the motto “Let's learn, feel, and share about disaster prevention! The event has been held continuously since then. Since then, the event has continued to be held, contributing greatly to the formation of a global disaster education network.

In recent years, as natural disasters have become more severe due to climate change, it has become more important than ever to foster disaster awareness on a global scale. The purpose of the “NDYS 2025 in KOBE” is to exchange information on disaster education around the world, with Kobe City high school students serving as the nucleus, and to foster future citizens who, 10 years from now, will be responsible for creating a more disaster-resistant city than today. This year, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of NDYS, as an effort to connect the experiences and lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake to the “next generation” in Japan and abroad, a special program〗"Hanshin・Awaji Great Earthquake, 30 years after it happened: Proposals from High School Students〗will be held and Kobe City high school students will communicate and talk to people in Japan and abroad.

NDYS was one of the first to adopt “international collaborative learning” utilizing the Internet to learn together with the rest of the world, promoting the sharing of practices and experiences related to disaster prevention and recovery by youths in Japan and overseas, and has steadily grown into a global disaster education network. NDYS has grown steadily as a global network for disaster education. In an era of drastic changes in information on disaster prevention due to the increase and intensification of natural disasters around the world, we are holding this conference with the aim of fostering human resources who can contribute to a changing global society through international disaster education focused on international collaborative learning. We hope to receive the support of many people.

Please wait a moment for the release of the program and registration for the “NDYS2025 in KOBE”.


Part 1: The 20th Anniversary of the Natural Disaster Youth Summit

 13:30- Registration
Opening Session
MC: Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School

Opening Remarks
Mr. KATO Gento: Senior Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and   Economics Meiji University (NDYS)

NDYS 20th Anniversary Message
Mr. NAKANO Genta: Assistant Professor, Research Center for Disaster            Reduction Systems (NDYS2005 Student Executive Committee Chair, NDYS)

 ・Video messages from NDYS OBOGs

Rest & Move

rt Ⅱ: Presentation of research results & exchange of opinions

1. Let's connect the experiences and lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake to the “next generation” in Japan and abroad!
◇Special Program: Presentation

Our Proposals: 30 years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

by Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School  
The experience and lessons learned from "The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, and Recovery" will be conveyed to the world and connected to the future!  

◇Special Lecture
Report on Activities Based on Lessons Learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
"Build Back Better" in Ach after 20 years of Tsunami disaster
Report on the Indian Ocean Tsunami(2004.12) as a high school student from Banda Aceh, Indonesia at the NDYS 2005 in Hyogo, Japan

Wizar Putri Mellaratna (University of Malikussaleh, NDYS Facilitator, iEARN Indonesia)
Discussion topic
2. Mini Video Concert of Taisho Koto in the 30th Anniversary of the Earthquake
Music Presentation as “Mental Care

 15:30-  3. From Around the World, Student Presentations
Tackling Climate Change: Creating a Sustainable Society

 *5 countries/regions will be presented.


General comment


Mr.Pavle Tvaliashvili,
NDYS Facilitator,
iEARN Georgia country coordinator


Participating Schools & Team
1. Azerbaijan (Ms. Irada Samadova, lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva, Baku)
2. Georgia (Mr. Pavle Tvaliashvili, iEARN Georgia, Tbilisi)

3. India (Ms. Geeta Rajan, St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, New Delhi)
4. Indonesia (Ms. Saara Suaib, SMP Islam Al Azhar 44 - Bekasi)
5. Indonesia (Ms. Nani Suriani, SMP Islam Al Azhar 6 - Bekasi)
6. Indonesia (Ms. Wiwi Rosaria, Senior high school 1- Padang)
7. Malaysia (Ms. Lim Wen Li, SMK, Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan, Pahang)
8.Taiwan (Mr. Derek Chen, Shuangxi Elementary School, Puzi ,Chiayi)
9. Nepal (Mr. Nawaraj Baskota, Kavya School, Kathmandu)
10. Japan (Ms. HASHIMOTO Yuka, Hazukko Cowboy, Yokkaichi, Mie)
11. Japan(Ms. CHAMOTO Takako, Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School, Hyogo)
Saturday, March 22, 2025
14:00-16:30 JST

Online Registration Deadline: March 20, 2025 (Thursday) 16:00 JST

NDYS Executive Committee

iEARN / iEARN fb
Interview series
 "Real Voices 2023"


We will publish the practice and research data of disaster prevention education through "International Collaborative Learning," a future educational model in which youth from around the world will network and work together.
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