Date Saturday, March 22, 2025, 14:00-16:30 JST
Format Online & On-site
Venue Onsite participation
Kobe Municipal
Fukiai High School
Event Language English, Japanese
Admission Free (advance registration required)
Capacity 160 participants
Host NDYS Executive Committee
co-Host iEARN (International Education & Resource Network)
Special Cooperation Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School
Sponsorship The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
Hyogo International Association [HIA]
The Future of Disaster Prevention” Connecting Youth from Around the World
As we mark the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in
2025, we will host the Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Kobe City on March
22, 2025. more >
*Program contents and presenters are subject to change.
PartⅠ: Celebrating our 20th Anniversary
13:30- |
Registration |
Opening Session
*MC: Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School
Opening Remarks
Grateful for the past 20 years and looking ahead to the next 10 years
・Ms. OKAMOTO Kazuko: Executive Committee Chair, Founder, JEARN Director
・Mr. KATO Gento: Senior Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics Meiji
University (NDYS-OB)
NDYS 20th Anniversary Message
OBOGs congratulatory messages from around the world
・Mr. NAKANO Genta: Associate Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (NDYS2005 Student Executive Committee Chair, NDYS-OB)
NDYS 20th Anniversary Message from iEARN-NDYS OBOGs Worldwide
・Ms. NAYA Yoshie: iEARN Facilitator, JEARN Director
Rest & Move |
Part Ⅱ: Activity Presentations & Discussions
14:30- |
1. Let's connect the experiences and lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji
Earthquake to the “next generation” in Japan and abroad!
◇Special Program: Presentation
Our Proposals: 30 years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
by Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School |
Based on the lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, each
student will present a proposal in English based on what they have learned
in terms of health, human rights, and education.
14:50- |
Report on Activities Based on Lessons Learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
"Build Back Better" in Ach after 20 years of Tsunami disaster |
Report on the Indian Ocean Tsunami(2004.12) as a high school student from
Banda Aceh, Indonesia at the NDYS 2005 in Hyogo, Japan
Wizar Putri Mellaratna (University of Malikussaleh, NDYS Facilitator, iEARN
Indonesia) |

・What can youth do to encourage self-help and mutual assistance with
local communities?
can youth learn globally and prepare for future disasters?

15:20- |
2. Mini Video Concert of Taisho Koto in the 30th Anniversary of the Earthquake |
Music Presentation as “Mental Care"
MC: Hazukko Cowboy, Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan
15:30- |
3. From Around the World, Student Presentations |
Theme: Tackling Climate Change: Creating a Sustainable Society |
1. 'The Vortex Hydro project' an innovative solution for floodwaters
Malaysia (SMK, Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan, Pahang)
2. Disaster Prevention Education in Taiwanese Elementary Schools
Taiwan (Shuangxi Elementary School, Puzi , Chiayi)
3. Collaboration projects in Georgia - 15 years in NDYS
Georgia (iEARN Georgia, Tbilisi)
4. The Impact of Cyclone Gonu
Oman(My School, High School, Mascut)
5. Natural Disasters in India
India (St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, New Delhi)
16:30 |
◇General comment

Mr.Pavle Tvaliashvili,
NDYS Facilitator,
iEARN Georgia country coordinator

"Bring Happiness to the World"
Participating Schools & Team
1. Azerbaijan (Ms. Irada Samadova, lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva, Baku)
2. Georgia (Mr. Pavle Tvaliashvili, iEARN Georgia, Tbilisi)
3. India (Ms. Geeta Rajan, St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, New Delhi)
4. Indonesia (Ms. Saara Suaib, SMP Islam Al Azhar 44 - Bekasi)
5. Indonesia (Ms. Nani Suriani, SMP Islam Al Azhar 6 - Bekasi)
6. Indonesia (Ms. Wiwi Rosaria, Senior high school 1- Padang)
7. Malaysia (Ms. Lim Wen Li, SMK, Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan, Pahang)
8.Taiwan (Mr. Derek Chen, Shuangxi Elementary School, Puzi ,Chiayi)
9. Nepal (Mr. Nawaraj Baskota, Kavya School, Kathmandu)
10. Oman (Ms. Atefeh Hatami, My School, Muscat)
11. Japan (Ms. HASHIMOTO Yuka, Hazukko Cowboy, Yokkaichi, Mie)
12. Japan(Ms. CHAMOTO Takako, Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School, Hyogo)
Saturday, March 22, 2025
14:00-16:30 JST

Online Registration Deadline: March 20, 2025 (Thursday) 16:00 JST |

We will publish the practice and research data of disaster prevention education through "International Collaborative Learning," a future educational model in which youth from around the world will network and work together. |