NDYS 2011 in Taiwan                   

                            Climate Change  and Disaster Reduction    July 20, 2011

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The Video of NDYS 2011 opening ceremony in Taiwan

NDYS only had one day activity---opening ceremony and presentation in CCAFPS on July 20th. It's a small activity, but happy reunion as usual.

NDYS 2011 opening ceremony in CCAFPS

NDYS 2011 opening ceremony in CCAFPS丂丂by iEARN-Taiwan


NDYS2011 ppt slides show

NDYS presentation in 2011 has over 400 slides, I'll try to make quick slides show and record the great team work.  

仢2011NDYS ppt slides show-1

2011NDYS ppt slides show-1  by iEARN-Taiwan

仢2011NDYS ppt slides show-2

2011NDYS ppt slides show-2丂丂by iEARN-Taiwan

Report of NDYS2011 in Taiwan
100 participants from around the world convened at the Chung-Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School for a successful 2011 Natural Disaster Youth Summit.  Additional participants joined virtually for web conferencing. After an opening plenary, and School Uniform Exchange fashion show, the group broke into afternoon teams for presentations by NDYS participants.  

The Natural Disaster Youth Summit is a year round project in which students learn how to cope with natural disasters through communication and collaboration with global friends. All are welcome to get involved in year-round school-based and online activities!  You can introduce original activities at your school related to disaster reduction or climate change.   iEARN-Newsflash #292, July 29, 2011

NDYS 2011


2011.07.22 "NDYS2011 in Taiwan" was ended in great success on July 20. 

Thank you for all participants. We really enjoyed the  conference.


NDYS2011 online Video Conferencing

09:00~ 10:30 (Taiwan Time GMT+8)

13:00 ~ 15:00 (Taiwan Time GMT+8)

Video Conferencing Room:

See the NDYS Video- Conferencing

Updated Logo explanation and program of NDYS2011
Logo explanation (pdf/117KB)  

See the program of NDYS2011

2011.06.19  Registration Closed for the 7th Natural Disaster Youth Summit, July 20, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 
NDYS Website

The place is at 拞惓梐峑CCAFPS (CHUNG.CHENG ARMED FORCES PREPARATORY SCHOOL in Kaohsiung). Thank you for your interest in NDYS. We are expecting your participation next year.

See the iEARN Newsflash #290, June 29, 2011

2011.05.28   Taiwan team are going to get your reports and safety maps of  NDYS2011 
till 28th of May!

See the E-Book: NDYS2010 in Turkiye
Japanese team had Video conference to meet all of Taiwan members at iEARN-Japan annual meeting in Nagoya, Japan.

*NDYS Ambassadors, Kayo Okumura and Kazuki Zendo made a presentation there. 
We had a VC. Thank you for joining us. We are looking forward to seeing you in Taiwan

2011.04.27 We had a VC, today and we talked about the disaster happened in Japan.

Thank you for joining us.
It is always a pleasure to see you!

We talked about the disaster happened in Japan.
The heartfelt messages are shared among VC participants.
Today, we connected 11 points. Japan, Taiwan, Iran, Turkey, Israel.


2011.03.19 Japan Earthquake​/Tsunami Relief Fund
A record 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sanriku Oki, near the east coast of Honshu, Japan at 2:46 pm on March 11, 2011.  It generated a powerful tsunami that caused widespread destruction across the region. 

read more >

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