TOYOTA Kodomo Bosai Summit

TOP儁乕僕丂亜 What is NDYS?    Meeting    Video-Conferencing    NDYS2015亜丂NDYS2015 in TOYOTA     Preparation                                              

To the Participants at the Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2015 in TOYOTA
General information
Information about Accommodations 

                                                                                                                          January 2, 2015

We can put your ppt presentation in the booklet.

Hi, Friends,

Happy New Year!
We are collecting your reports, if you have .ppt, please send your .ppt.
We would like to put your .ppt in the booklet.
Deadline is no later than the 4th of January.

Kind regards,

NDYS KOBE Office for NDYS2015 in TOYOTA.


                                                                                                                                       December 11, 2014

Dear Friends of NDYS,

Greetings from team TOYOTA and Yoshie.

Thank you for the great work that you are doing for NDYS.

According to an e-mail from one of Russian schools, they held a school-wide contest to make the Safety Map for Natural Disasters for their whole school and  two students won the prize. The prize winners will participate in NDYS 2015 as the representatives of their school.

You can share the information about  Natural Disaster education around the world, so we suggest you study the languages and Natural Disasters from the other participating nations and regions.

You will need to prepare for three programs before you come to Japan .


1. Disaster Reduction and Climate Change Poster and .ppt or video.

We will prepare a combined poster and presentation .ppt to explain what the effects of global warming in our countries and what we can do to prepare and protect ourselves.

It would be great if you could send your  presentation material to  NDYS office( no later than the 22nd of December, 2014 (Plan).



2. Global Disaster Safety Map and the Safety Map template

Global Disaster Safety Map (GDSM)" program

Students will create a Disaster Safety Map for their school乫s surrounding areas.                                   

Students need to research the environment near their school and  put information in the map such as 
    safe and dangerous areas, and what areas they love and are proud of.

We are now preparing a booklet for NDYS2015 in TOYOTA.

Please send us your report of one or two pages no later the 22nd of December, so that your reports can be included in  the booklet.

Pages: One or two

Deadline: 22nd December, 2014

Contents: Please check the past report as a reference.

Reference: E-Book : NDYS2010 in Turkiye

Theme: Climate Change and Disaster Reduction

1.English_4乮pdf/17,111KB) Disaster Safety Maps (1) 

2.English_5 (pdf/12,784KB)  Disaster Safety Maps (2)

You can  find the  template  for the SAFETY MAP here.

3. NDYS Little Ambassadors

     NDYS Little Ambassadors' program

     As a subsidiary program, the NDYS Teddy Bears (NDYS Little Ambassadors) with Kid乫s Safety Bag will be exchanged between partner schools to strengthen the friendly bond between the schools. In the Kid乫s Safety Bag (Emergency bag) , you can put your school information and any things which you might need  in a dangerous situation or natural disaster. By thinking about emergencies beforehand, you can be better prepared, and these kits might help save lives.



Please also prepare  the following items before you come to Japan.


侾乯 Make a Power Point introducing the good points of your own country

2乯 Bring traditional clothes to wear  when you make the cultural  presentation. (Some kind of folk costume)

3乯 Be ready to perform some kind entertainment shows for the party, like music or dance or short skits.

4乯 Prepare your visiting card ( Participants can connect with each other through the internet after NDYS2015)

On the web page you can also find some information about other details , including the program..

We are looking forward to your coming to TOYOTA, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.

Kind regards,

NDYS KOBE Office for NDYS2015 in TOYOTA

All contents copyright © NDYS office all rights reserved.