disaster safety map
・ Map
of targeting area (Area where students can understand each building is
hoped. School area of elementary or junior high school is preferable.)
Size of map is about 2m
x2m. Teachers can blow up some maps and connect them.
■ Step
1 Checking
natural environment
and teachers check following contents. They make in these contents into
the map, using some colors.
Location of urban area (red)
Borderline between mountain area
and flatland (green)
Location of river, pond, and
waterway (blue)

Fukiai SHS , Kobe,
Japan |
■ Step
2 Checking
built environment
and teachers check following contents. They make in these contents into
the map, using some colors.
Railway (black)
Main road (blown)
Narrow alley (pink)
Park or open space (yellow
Water way (blue)

Fukiai SHS , Kobe,
Japan |
■ Step 3 Checking
human and material resource
and teachers check following contents. They check them on the map or put
objects on the map to understand human and material resource easily. If
needed, fieldwork is implemented.
organizations or institutes related to government, medical institutes, or
disaster relief
Administrative institutes, fire
department, police station
School and nursery school
Medical institutes
Community hall, social welfare
Other public facility
place or facility for community disaster management
Place or building for evacuation
First aid station
Store for foods, daily commodity, medicine, fuel, and other goods
for daily life
Stock room for disaster
Corporation which has heavy
Handheld pomp, water supply
dangerous institutes and things when they fall or are broken
Preservation institutes for
dangerous materials
Wall of blocks, stone wall
Outside advertisement goods
human resource for community disaster management
Neighborhood community
association, leader of community management disaster group, experienced
worker of fire department or fire company, experienced worker in local
government, worker in construction company or repairperson, welfare or
children commissioner, interpreter, and worker for welfare
houses which has persons needing back up in disasters
Elderly persons
bedridden persons
Mental defective
Children who are younger than
elementary school students
Foreign people
■ Step
4 Anticipating
damages of buildings, houses, and lifeline
on disaster learning and made map, students and teachers discuss damage in
disasters. If school can get information of expected damages, they can
refer to it. Damages are colored up on the map. Season and time disaster
occurs is decided accordingly. Students can understand seriousness of
damages if teacher sets season and time that damages is larger.
■ Step
5 Action
during and soon after disasters
and teachers discuss following contents. They image states during and soon
after disaster and anticipate whether not only each of them but also
family or community members can evacuate and whether organization related
to disasters can come to affected area, using information on the map.
Action and way of evacuation
during disaster
Action and way of evacuation of
family and community members
Action and rescue of people
needing other help
■ Step
6 Problems
during and soon after disasters
on Step 5, students and teachers discuss problems. Teachers need to let
students know importance of taking measures before disasters.
■ Step
7 Livelihood
after disasters (recovery/reconstruction) and its problems
and teachers image livelihood after disasters and in
recovery/reconstruction and discuss its problems. They write the problems
in the map.
■ Step
8 Thinking
way of mitigation and preparedness
and teachers discuss measures people can take in personal, family, and
community level. And they write the measures in the map. Measures in this
step means mitigation and preparedness but teachers are requested to
emphasize the former one.
■■■ Schedule ■■■
shows schedule of GDSMP. The number in parentheses means hour needed in
each step in disaster learning and making disaster safety map. 50 minutes
is 1 hour in this schedule. Showed hour in this schedule is minimum hour
needed and each school can increase hour in each step. It is hoped that
schools use time after school or on Saturday and get more time to
■■ Disaster
learning (September to October)
■ Step
1 Setting
Kind of Disaster (0)
decide disaster before students starts this project.
■ Step
2 Past
Disasters (5)
■ Step
3 Measures
and activities for disaster reduction (which is implemented in personal,
family, community level) (2)
in this step is used for summing up information which students and
teachers collect have collected from survey or interview, and don’t
include time for interview to family or community members.
■■ Making
disaster safety map (October to December)
■ Step
1 Checking
natural environment (0.5)
1 and Step 2 are conducted at the same time
■ Step
2 Checking
built environment (0.5)
1 and Step 2 are conducted at the same time
■ Step
3 Checking
human and material resource (1)
■ Step
4 Anticipating
damages of buildings, houses, and lifeline (2)
■ Step
Action during and
soon after disasters (1)
■ Step
Problems during and
soon after disasters (1)
■ Step
Livelihood after
disasters (recovery/reconstruction) and its problems (1)
■ Step
Thinking way of
mitigation and preparedness (2)